Monday, February 11, 2008

The Evolution of Technology and its Future...

I would like to suggest the topic focus on the evolution of technology and its future. In addition, how you keep up with these constant changes.

In the article “Prototypes and Ideation, Computer Networks, by B. Winston, we read how the internet was originally started by the military to work on the problem of military communications systems, it then made its way to academia and then it became the World Wide Web. Technology has continued to evolve, it would be good to research the progress it has made, and what factors played a part.

DVD technology may be going over to Blu-Ray technology, video games are moving over to new technology such as the Wii, where you use body movements to play games. The Wii has become so popular; it is used in rehab therapy for patients recovering from strokes, broken bones, and surgery, cell phones are becoming avenues to listen to music. Using blogs to discuss televisions shows, how did this come about? Today I stumbled across Twitter, this is similar to myspace or facebook, but it seems to have much more capabilities than just goofing around with your friends. It has reminder services, live updates of various events, such as Super Tuesday or the Super Bowl and mobile updates.

It is evident through digital convergence, technology is going to keep advancing, how did we get here and how do we keep up with continued advances?

In addition, it would be beneficial to create a “guidance” type piece on keeping up or learning about new technologies, which would also include our own experiences (through this class or on our own). The “guidance” would not focus on specifics but might help give a baseline of how to learn and where to go for information. It could provide links to various websites that provide comparisons and reviews of new things.

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