Sunday, February 3, 2008

January 29th Class Thoughts...


Last weeks class was informative & fun! Just the way I like a class to be :0)

For years I always thought I was technology savvy, keeping current with new things, but I've noticed over the last few years that it is passing me by fast! I just got into the whole myspace thing, with some resistance, mainly because who has time to sit and put all that together & search to post witty things everyday... But it's the only way I can communicate with my older brother these days so I jumped in. It took me 3 hours to put together my lamo page, but I did it!

Anyway, during class last week I realized that the reason I'm finding technology is passing me by isn't because I am not open to it, but more so because I haven't been exposed to it enough or exposed to it at an earlier age. Now children are learning how to use computers in kindergarten, while I only just got on board about 15 years ago. Having the knowledge at a younger age gives them an advantage to understanding and keeping up with technology. I can learn how to use anything I need to, but it is just a matter of keeping up and having the time, while I believe it is second nature to the younger generation.Growing up I wasn't exposed to media convergence as it is today.

Social and face-to-face interaction was my primary source. Ok yeah we had the telephone...but today kids are connected digitally in so many other ways. The internet has opened the doors to many outlets for communication, as we have discussed, texting, instant messaging, email, blogs, chat rooms, playing games with people all over the world, etc...

I look forward to learning more about the possibilities that are out there & ways that I can bring myself up to speed, not just in my personal life, but also in my workplace. I feel that my company is very behind in technology and working in a global department there are ways we can and should improve.



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